Learning Technologies

Information about Canvas, CSU Learn, Zoom, Kaltura, and other learning technologies.

Categories (14)


Ally is a software solution designed to support faculty members in creating accessible course content within Canvas.


Canvas is Chico State's student learning management system.

CSU Learn

CSU Learn assigns, tracks, and leverages content ranging from mandatory professional development to compliance.

Follett Discover

Follett Discover is an online tool that allows faculty to indicate course materials and helps students buy and access their course materials in Canvas.

Google Workspace

Information and tutorials about Google applications supported by Chico State; Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Slides, etc.

Kaltura Video

Kaltura is Chico State's video platform that allows students, faculty, and staff to upload, manage, and publish video content in Canvas and beyond.


Perusall is a socially collaborative reading platform available for integration into Canvas.

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is a web-based polling software that allows participants to respond to polls or surveys synchronously or asynchronously from their cell phones, tablets, or laptops. Results are tabulated and can be displayed in real-time on-screen. Poll Everywhere performs similarly to the pedagogical use of “clickers” but offers more activity options for engagement. Poll Everywhere also streamlines in-person attendance management.


Proctorio is an online proctoring software product purchased by the campus that integrates with Canvas.
Proctorio is being used for some courses, mostly fully online courses, to provide a measure of academic integrity while taking exams online.


Pronto is a real-time chat app in Canvas like Slack or Discord.


Respondus is a system-wide licensed 3rd party software solution to import and export tests.


Turnitin is a similarity detection and grading tool for Canvas. Turnitin compares student work to other sources on the Internet and in Turnitin's extensive database.

Zoom Virtual Conferencing

Zoom is Chico State’s video conferencing solution available to all students, faculty, and staff.


Gradescope allows instructors to streamline grading hand-written assignments. Currently, Gradescope is only available to a limited group of faculty.

Articles (12)

Pinned Article Recover Grades and Content from Blackboard Learn (Instructors)

Instructors needing to recover grades, submissions, or content from the now-defunct Blackboard Learn system at Chico State can contact Learning Technology Services for access. Data recovery is necessary because only some content was transferred to Canvas, with grades and submissions retained in separate backups.

Pinned Article Recover Grades and Content from Blackboard Learn (Students)

Students needing to recover grades, submissions, or content from the now-defunct Blackboard Learn system at Chico State should contact their instructors for help. Data recovery is necessary because student enrollments and submissions were never transferred to Canvas, instead being retained in separate backups.

Access LinkedIn Learning

How to access LinkedIn Learning

Accommodate HQ

Accommodate HQ is a valuable tool that simplifies the process of accommodating students with special needs in your Canvas courses.

Cengage LMS Integration

The Cengage LMS Integration is a publisher integration that provides seamless integration with educational products such as Access WebAssign and MindTap into Canvas.

Impact (Formerly Eesysoft)

Instructure Impact is a tool that monitors the interactions of individual users, including faculty and students, within Canvas, allowing IT Support to measure the activity level and use of key functionality within your learning environment.


Labster is a virtual laboratory simulation tool integrated with Canvas designed to enhance science education.


MATLAB Grader is an assessment tool created by MathWorks that allows instructors to create interactive MATLAB assignments, automatically grade student work, provide feedback and view performance analytics.

MyOpenMath Publisher

MyOpenMath is a free, open-source, and online platform designed to support mathematics education. Use this guide to setup MyOpenMath content in your Canvas course.