Ubuntu Eduroam Setup

Get Connected! Eduroam on Ubuntu Linux

Quick links: |  Network Requirements  |  Setup Eduroam  |  Remove Eduroam  |



Network Requirements

  • Confirmed working for... 
  • Correct system date & time

Special Note for "Other than Ubuntu" Linux users:

The eduroam setup script was specifically written to work with Ubuntu Linux and therefore you results on other non-Debian based and non-Ubuntu installs may be less than optimal. If your system is "Other than Ubuntu," or if your install is unable to successfully complete the eduroam install script, we have provisions in place for your system to access the campus network via the "csuchico" wireless. Please delete any wireless profiles you may have saved for "eduroam" or "csuchico-guest" and continue to use the "csuchico" wireless. It may take some time for our system to identify your device, but once it has completed its checks, you should be able to access the internet from "csuchico" without the redirect to the eduroam "SIGN ME UP!" page.

If you are using a purely Linux machine and believe you have reached this page in error, please contact the ITSS Helpdesk at 530.898.HELP (4357) or stop by in Meriam Library 142 or CLICK HERE to start a support incident ticket. Please be prepared with the wireless MAC address for your device.

Special Note for dual-boot systems (i.e., Windows & Ubuntu):

As outlined above, our system decides what network access rights to assign to your device based on the operating system it thinks you are running. With a dual-boot system, every time you switch operating systems and attempt to connect, our system will reclassify your device and potentially change its access. As you can imagine, this may cause inconsistent behavior with regards to your wireless internet access.

If you are having trouble with the "SIGN ME UP!" website redirect on a dual-boot system, please contact the ITSS Helpdesk at 530.898.HELP (4357) or stop by in Meriam Library 142 or CLICK HERE to start a support incident ticket. Please be prepared with the wireless MAC address for your device.


Removing a saved "csuchico" or "eduroam" wireless profile

It is recommended to remove the "csuchico" wireless network profile from your Ubuntu Linux device to prevent it from automatically connecting to it after setting up "eduroam" wireless.
The process to remove the "eduroam" wireless profile is identical to the following process for removing "csuchico" wireless profile.

1. In the top right corner menu on your screen, select the wireless icon to expand the wireless connections menu. Click your wireless connection then select "Wi-Fi Settings"

Wifi Settings

2. In the Wi-Fi Settings menu, the networks you are configured to connect to will have a small gear icon. Click the gear next the the profile you would like to remove

Gear Icon Next to Network

3. From here, simply click the "Forget Connection" button at the bottom of the window

Forget Connection

4. Repeat this process for each wireless connection profile you would like to remove from your device.



How To Setup Eduroam:

This guide will step through how to connect to the Eduroam wireless network on campus with Ubuntu Linux, screenshots from Ubuntu 18.04.

1. Start off by connecting to the "csuchico" wireless network and open your browser. This should redirect you to the Chico Eduroam "Set Me Up!" page. If you are not automatically redirected, please enter www.csuchico.edu/eduroam/ into your browser's address bar. Select the "SET ME UP!" button at the bottom of the page.


Set Me Up Image

2. Make sure the "Linux" option is selected in the dropdown menu and select "Join Now"

Select Linux

3. This will download the "SecureW2_JoinNow.run" bash setup script for eduroam. This script is known to work with Debian based systems, mileage may vary if using slackware/fedora/mint/non-debian based systems. The default download location is the "Downloads" folder

Download Confirmation

4. Go to your "Downloads" folder and right click, then "Open Terminal" and at the prompt, enter " sh SecureW2_JoinNow.run " to start the script. The "sudo" command is not required.


5. After verification, you'll need to enter you Chico email address and press enter, then enter your password and press enter.

Credentials within Terminal

6. You should now be connected to Eduroam!

Connection Confirmation

7. It is strongly recommended that you go back into your wireless settings and manually remove the connection profile for the "csuchico" wireless network



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Article ID: 113235
Tue 7/27/21 5:30 PM
Tue 4/18/23 2:57 PM