Quick Links: | Environment | Solution | Root Cause |
Students at Chico State may need to recover grades, submissions, or content that was stored in Blackboard Learn.
- Courses taught in Blackboard Learn.
To recover data such as lessons, syllabi, assignment submissions, or other course content from Blackboard Learn, students should reach out to their instructors directly.
If only your assignment submissions and grades are needed, students can email Learning Technology Services at learningtech@csuchico.edu. Make sure to provide the following:
- Term
- Course number
- Section number
This information can be found in your Student Center > My Schedule. You may need to change to the old term.
Root Cause
Course content, all student grades, and all assignment submissions from Blackboard are maintained in a separate backup system to ensure data integrity and privacy. These backups are managed exclusively by LMS administrators due to security protocols. Since instructors own the content they create for the university, most content cannot be shared with students directly.
Still need help? Reach out to Learning Technology Services for further assistance.