Answers to common questions and issues faculty encounter in Canvas.

Categories (1)

Using the Chico State Canvas Template (Faculty)

Provides detailed instructions for using the Chico State Canvas template applied to all courses by default.

Articles (54)

Pinned Article Canvas Start-of-Semester Tasks

Faculty: Use this article as a helpful guide for frequently asked questions at the start of the semester

Pinned Article How do I add a student, TA, or instructor to my Canvas class?

Unlike Blackboard, instructors can no longer add people to academic courses. However, instructors can add certain roles to sandbox courses. All people are managed through an integration between PeopleSoft and Canvas. New people are keyed into PeopleSoft by the relevant academic department's scheduler at the direction of the department chair. ​​​​​​​

Pinned Article How do I Create Accessible Content in Canvas?

This comprehensive guide outlines practical and effective strategies for creating accessible content in Canvas LMS, offering step-by-step instructions, resources, and support to guide you on this journey of inclusive education.

Pinned Article How do I get help in Canvas?

You can access help and support within Canvas by navigating to the Help menu, using the knowledge base, contacting support through chat, or calling the support hotline. This process assists both faculty and students in resolving their Canvas-related issues efficiently.

Canvas Document Display Options

Describes the options Canvas has to display an inserted document.

Canvas Gradebook Import Issue with Specific Column Names

When instructors add a column titled "Final Grade" in Canvas and export the gradebook to edit it in Excel, they may encounter an issue when importing it back into Canvas. Canvas falsely claims that no grades have changed.

Canvas Sample Courses

Looking at examples of real course sites can be inspiring and helpful. The following are actual course sites created by Chico State instructors who have generously shared their content.

Canvas Shows a Cryptic Error When Creating a Group Set

Instructors encounter a "400 Bad Request" error in Canvas when trying to create a group set with a name that conflicts with an existing group set. The error is resolved by selecting a unique name for the new group set.

Copying Smaller Pieces of your Migrated Blackboard Course

Even if you choose to "start from scratch" you may find it helpful to push small chunks of content from your migrated Blackboard Learn course to your live, Canvas student-enrolled course.

Design Canvas Modules Using Best Practices

Learn how to organize your course into Modules in Canvas, using best practices to guide students through course content logically and comprehensively.

How do I access courses from a previous term in Canvas?

Faculty and students may find themselves needing to access course materials, submissions, or records from a previous term in Canvas. Courses from previous terms are not immediately visible on the Canvas dashboard due to the platform's design, which prioritizes current and upcoming courses for a more organized user experience. Courses in previous terms can be found in your past enrollments.

How do I access the Ally Course Accessibility Report as an instructor?

This article guides instructors through accessing and interpreting the Ally Course Accessibility Report in Canvas, highlighting the importance of understanding and improving course material accessibility.

How do I add an external tool to Canvas as an instructor?

Adding LTIs to Canvas requires checking the approved list and possibly requesting a new integration through a review process. This guide outlines steps to ensure secure and compliant tool usage in courses.

How do I change a student's final grade in Canvas?

Learn how to enable and use the Final Grade Override feature in Canvas to manually adjust student grades.

How do I change the name of my Canvas course?

At Chico State, instructors cannot change the name of their Canvas course directly. However, you can set a nickname for your course to easily identify it in the Canvas dashboard. The nickname is only visible to you and doesn't affect the course name for other users.

How do I choose which courses display on my Canvas dashboard?

This is an article informing users how to display courses on their Canvas dashboard.

How do I copy a course in Canvas?

This is an article which explains how to copy course content in Canvas.

How do I create a Google Docs Assignment in Canvas?

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for faculty on setting up Google Assignments in Canvas, including how to create an assignment, configure submission types, and select grading options using Google Workspace for Education tools.

How do I create a quiz in Canvas using an AI tool?

This guide outlines how to use AI tools to generate and format quizzes for import into Canvas, enhancing course assessments with varied and dynamic questions along with appropriate feedback for students.

How do I create a sandbox course in Canvas?

Faculty can create sandboxes in Canvas to prepare content, experiment with Canvas features, or collaborate with colleagues. Sandboxes are courses that will never receive student enrollments.

How do I Cross-List (Combine) Multiple Canvas Course Sections?

Cross-listing courses in Canvas is a useful feature that allows instructors to combine multiple course sections into a single "parent" course. In Canvas, cross-listing is performed by the instructor. This article discusses what a cross-listed course is, who can cross-list courses, and provides step-by-step instructions on how to cross-list courses in Canvas.

How do I design a course using best practices in Canvas?

Describes Canvas course design considerations for faculty to evaluate high-quality features of sample courses and create courses using best practices.

How do I download my roster in Canvas?

Learn how to use Canvas's New Analytics to download a full course roster with students' emails.

How do I duplicate a quiz in the same Canvas course as an instructor?

This guide provides instructors with step-by-step instructions on how to duplicate a quiz within the same Canvas course by exporting the quiz and then importing it back into the course.

How do I edit a quiz in Canvas after students start taking it?

If you need to make changes to a quiz in Canvas after students have already started taking it, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to avoid any issues.

How do I email students based on certain criteria in Canvas?

Canvas offers a powerful feature called Message Students Who that allows faculty to communicate with students who fulfill certain criteria.

How do I fix accessibility issues in my Canvas course as an instructor?

This guide offers step-by-step instructions for instructors on addressing common accessibility issues in Canvas, as identified by the Ally Course Accessibility Report, including how to fix images, documents, and where to seek further assistance.

How do I prevent overwriting content in Canvas courses when I copy content?

Instructors copying content multiple times between Canvas courses may inadvertently overwrite updated content. Utilizing Canvas's native duplication feature before copying can prevent this issue.

How do I re-enable inline annotation tools in SpeedGrader?

If you are an instructor using Canvas's SpeedGrader and find that the annotation tools are unexpectedly gone, it may be due to enabling certain anonymity settings. Use this guide to re-enable the annotation tools in SpeedGrader.

How do I restore/undelete content in Canvas?

Sometimes mistakes happen, and course content can accidentally be deleted or changed. Fortunately, Canvas provides several tools to recover deleted content or restore previous versions of pages. Use these tools to restore deleted content quickly.

How do I review the activity of a student who dropped my class in Canvas?

Instructors may encounter situations where they need to access assignments submitted by students who have dropped their course. Dropped students' enrollments are retained within the system to ensure accurate record-keeping and uphold the integrity of course data. From the moment a student enrolls in a course, their interactions, grades, submissions, and communications are logged and preserved.

How do I Selectively Share Content and Assignments to Students in Canvas?

Canvas offers versatile alternatives for tailored instruction. Learn how to manage access to course content for specific students in Canvas using module prerequisites, mastery paths, and assignment restrictions. Customize learning experiences by setting prerequisites for module content and directing students based on their performance. Assignments can be restricted to specific students, ensuring personalized access and submission.

How do I send results from Poll Everywhere to the Canvas Gradebook as an instructor?

This guide provides instructions for instructors on exporting Poll Everywhere activity results to the Canvas Gradebook, including grading strategies, organizing polls, and troubleshooting common issues.

How do I share content with other faculty in Canvas?

Sharing and collaboration are core features of Canvas. Use this guide to learn more about various options to share content within Canvas.

How long will I have access to Canvas?

Students at Chico State typically have access to Canvas for a period of 24 months after separating from the university.

Understanding Canvas Graded Group Discussions and SpeedGrader

When instructors set up graded group discussions in Canvas, it creates both individual group discussions and a course-level discussion. If a student is not added to a group, they can post to the course-level discussion and prevent their responses from showing in SpeedGrader.

What communication tools are available in Canvas?

Canvas offers many great communication options. Use this guide to understand the communication tools available to you.

Why are students being kicked out of a Canvas quiz prematurely?

Students may be kicked out of a Canvas quiz before completing it due to the "Available until" setting, affected by various date settings in Canvas. Faculty must manage these settings carefully to prevent premature quiz termination, especially for students with time accommodations.

Why can't I see all course sections or groups when creating a differentiated assignment in Canvas?

Instructors creating differentiated assignments in Canvas may have trouble finding specific course sections or groups in the "Assign To" dropdown box. Typing the name of the section or group directly into the box initiates a search and displays matching entries.

Why can't I unpublish my Canvas course?

Instructors cannot unpublish a Canvas course after grades have been entered, aligning with Canvas's philosophical stance to ensure student access to educational records. This situation commonly occurs when courses are briefly published for administrative purposes.

Why did adjusting the due date for one student affect everyone's grades?

Instructors inadvertently restrict assignment access for the entire class when trying to give an extension to a single student. This article outlines steps to restore access for all students while applying an extension for an individual.

Why do grades change for other students when I update one student's grade in Canvas?

Grades entered for individual students in Canvas were unexpectedly changing because the assignments were set as group assignments, affecting all students in the same group.

Why do I receive the error "Due date cannot be after term end" when creating an assignment in Canvas?

Instructors encounter the error message "Due date cannot be after term end" when attempting to create or modify an assignment in Canvas with the due date set beyond the term end date.

Why do some students appear enrolled in multiple sections of my cross-listed Canvas course?

Instructors may find students listed in multiple sections of cross-listed Canvas courses due to the system retaining old enrollments after section switches. Viewing the accurate section via the student's profile or using New Analytics provides the correct roster information.

Why does a person's name appear differently in Canvas vs. Student Center and Faculty Center?

Students and faculty members may notice a discrepancy in the names displayed in Canvas compared to those shown in PeopleSoft. This is typically caused by a discrepancy in a person's name in Account Center and PeopleSoft.

Why does Canvas display a login prompt when I view or edit a page?

If you're encountering a pop-up window asking you to sign in when accessing your Canvas course, there might be an issue with an embedded image from Blackboard.

Why does my Kaltura video appear as a black box in Canvas?

Kaltura videos may appear as black boxes in Canvas courses migrated from Blackboard due to incorrect embed codes. Re-embedding the videos resolves this issue.

Why does the Canvas dashboard show the wrong due date for peer reviews?

Instructors assigning peer reviews in Canvas face an issue where the dashboard displays inaccurate due dates. Adopting best practices like leaving the "Peer Review Assign" date box blank ensures reviews are assigned right after the assignment due date, clarifying expectations for students.

Why don't students have their extra time on some quizzes?

Students with extra time accommodations might not see these adjustments on new quizzes due to the accommodations not automatically updating. Instructors can resolve this by using Accommodate HQ to re-apply accommodations.

How do I create a Google Collaboration in Canvas?

Use this guide to navigate the process of creating Google Collaborations in Canvas effortlessly.

My Canvas Gradebook Won't Load

Instructors may experience problems with the Canvas Gradebook not loading due to browser incompatibilities. Ensuring that the browser is up to date and compatible can resolve these issues.

My Students Cannot Progress to the Next Module

Instructors using module prerequisites in Canvas may sometimes encounter a situation where certain students' progress becomes locked due to module prerequisites. This issue prevents the affected students from accessing the desired module or its contents. Use these steps to allow students to access the affected module.