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As the semester comes to a close, the Technology & Learning Program (TLP) encourages you to drop in to our TLP Virtual Zoom room for expert help with end-of-semester tasks. Taking a little extra time to work on your grade book now, means less stress later in the month. Depending on your bandwidth, you might even consider previewing Start-of-Semester Tasks to get a head start while your course content is still fresh.
Use AccomdateHQ to accommodate students who need extra time on quizzes and exams
Offered extra credit? In Canvas, it can be complicated. To learn more, review your extra credit options.
Missing assignments → zeros: Canvas will not calculate missing grades. Enter 0s or set a default grade for each assignment.
Set letter grading scheme: If you want a letter grade to display, add your grading scheme in course settings to match your syllabus.
Using weighted grades? Weigh your assignment groups to match your syllabus. You can put multiple or single items, such as an exam, into a group.
You can also:
Add a personal notes column in the Gradebook for later reference.
Override a student's final grade in the Gradebook.
Students will only see the overridden grade and not the calculated.
Some prefer to leave grades as-is and make overrides in Faculty Center.
Reminder: The grading period ends December 31st at 5pm.
Faculty can get Canvas support in a variety of ways: