Get answers to common issues with Canvas group sets, cross-listing, rosters, and student enrollments.

Articles (11)

Canvas Shows a Cryptic Error When Creating a Group Set

Instructors encounter a "400 Bad Request" error in Canvas when trying to create a group set with a name that conflicts with an existing group set. The error is resolved by selecting a unique name for the new group set.

Cross-Listing (Combining) Multiple Canvas Course Sections

Cross-listing courses in Canvas is a useful feature that allows instructors to combine multiple course sections into a single "parent" course. In Canvas, cross-listing is performed by the instructor. This article discusses what a cross-listed course is, who can cross-list courses, and provides step-by-step instructions on how to cross-list courses in Canvas.

Downloading Roster from Canvas

Learn how to use Canvas's New Analytics to download a full course roster with students' emails.

Emailing Students Based on Criteria in Canvas

Canvas offers a powerful feature called Message Students Who that allows faculty to communicate with students who fulfill certain criteria.

FAQ: Common Access Issues in Canvas

If you are facing issues accessing Canvas, there could be several reasons behind it. Depending on whether you are an instructor or a student, the troubleshooting steps may vary. These are the common reasons and their respective solutions.

FAQ: Course Access and Incomplete Grades in Canvas

This article addresses common questions about access to the Canvas Learning Management System. Topics include course access for students and instructors and how Canvas handles incomplete grades.

FAQ: Inactive Students on the People Page

Canvas offers instructors greater visibility into the enrollments in their courses. Inactive students are those who dropped the course.

Missing Student Posts in SpeedGrader

When instructors set up graded group discussions in Canvas, it creates both individual group discussions and a course-level discussion. If a student is not added to a group, they can post to the course-level discussion and prevent their responses from showing in SpeedGrader.

Name Discrepancies Between Canvas and Student/Faculty Centers

Students and faculty members may notice a discrepancy in the names displayed in Canvas compared to those shown in PeopleSoft. This is typically caused by a discrepancy in a person's name in Account Center and PeopleSoft.

Reviewing Activity of Dropped Students in Canvas

Instructors may encounter situations where they need to access assignments submitted by students who have dropped their course. Dropped students' enrollments are retained within the system to ensure accurate record-keeping and uphold the integrity of course data. From the moment a student enrolls in a course, their interactions, grades, submissions, and communications are logged and preserved.

Students Appearing in Multiple Sections of Cross-Listed Canvas Course

Instructors may find students listed in multiple sections of cross-listed Canvas courses due to the system retaining old enrollments after section switches. Viewing the accurate section via the student's profile or using New Analytics provides the correct roster information.