How do I email students based on certain criteria in Canvas?

Tags canvas

Canvas provides various ways to message students. As an instructor, there may be times you want to message students about their overall course progress (good and bad), about missing and/or late assignments. This article focuses on these features built into Canvas.

It does not cover the Inbox, Anouncments, or Pronto.You can find those articles here.


Message Students Who … 

Overview of New Analytics (Message Students Who …)

The New Analytics interactive tool help you track student performance and activity in your course. Learn which students have viewed pages and resources and participated in assignments—and which students may need a little more encouragement.


To do so, you can Message Students Who in a few ways. But first let’s look at accessing New Analytics

Accessing New Analytics

  • From your course menu, or 

  • From your Canvas Home page sidebar. .

Message Students Who at the Course Level

  • To message at the course level click on the envelope in the upper right corner


A new window will open (image below), which will open to Score Range. 


  1. You can select a range of scores you would like to see and then create and send a message to students in that range.
  2. You can select Missing to see students who are missing assignments (image below).
  3. You can select Late to see students who have submitted an assignment late (image below).
  4. For options 1,2, and 3 the window will show you the number of students who fall into that filter. You can click on the link to see the students names and delete them from the message if for some reason they don’t need to receive the message.


Image for Course Level Messages

Message Students Who (Individual Students) from Gradebook

  • Select Student to see the class roster

  • Select a student from the list

  • Click the envelope icon next to the student’s name to message the student

  • Create message and send in the message window that pops up 


  Message Students Who (Individual Students) from New Analytics

Once in New Analytics

  1. Select the Students Tab

  2. Select a student from the list



In the new window click the envelope next to the student name

The next window (example below) Will pop up and you will be able to type message and send it

Message Students Who for an Individual Assignment from New Analytics

  1. Click on an Assignmet, Discussion, or Quiz blue dot

  2. Click on a bar in the graph to message students with specific scores on the assignment

  3. Click the number link below Missing to message students who have not turned it in

  4. Click the number link below Late to message those students who have turned it in late

  5. Click the envelope if you want to message from the Course Level 

(go to Course Level Image Example)


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Article ID: 113644
Thu 9/14/23 3:52 PM
Tue 3/12/24 2:12 PM