Systems & Servers

Server, database, and hosting services.

Categories (2)

Server Hosting

Server hosting services in the campus data center.

Database Hosting

Database hosting services in the campus data center.

Services (9)

Azure Migration

Migrate a server to Azure

Web stack requests (push dev/stage/prod)

Request new/modified web pages to be moved into staging or production.

New server registration (Omni)

Register a new campus server in Omni.

Report a compromised system

Report a compromised desktop/laptop computer or server.

Server Monitoring

Additional Server Monitoring Request

Centralized Logging

Assistance in configuring a server or other type of system for log shipment.

Provision an ESYS-managed server

Request the provisioning of a campus server that is managed by Enterprise Systems (ESYS).

Deprovision an ESYS-managed server

Request the deprovisioning of a campus server that is managed by Enterprise Systems (ESYS).