How Do I Add My Zoom Student Office Hours in Canvas?

Tags zoom canvas

Quick Links: | Schedule Office Hours Meeting | Copy Office Hours LinkInsert Link on Canvas Course Home | Start Office Hours |

TLP  recommends first scheduling your office hours meeting on the Chico State Zoom portal, and then copying and pasting the link to your Canvas course home page. This method ensures your office hours link will remain intact, even after a course copy each semester. 

Schedule Zoom Office Hours on Zoom Portal  

Note: If you would prefer to use your Personal Meeting Room for office hours, skip step 3. Never use your Personal Meeting Room for live classes. 

  1. From your browser, sign in to the Chico State portal. Note: you can also get there directly from here

  2. From the Chico State portal select Zoom.

    Chico State Portal
  3. From the left navigation menu, select Meetings

  4. Select Schedule a New Meeting.

  5. Enter a name for the meeting (eg. Mshepard Office Hours)

  6. Enter date, time, and duration and whether it is a recurring meeting. Most people prefer to choose Recurring Meeting, No Fixed Time as shown below. 

  7. Select the Waiting Room check box to enable the waiting room. 
    This prevents students from dropping in while you are meeting with someone else.

    zoom meetings page
  8. Scroll down and select Options.

  9. Verify that Enable Join before host is NOT checked. This prevents students from going in unless you have already started the meeting.

  10. Save. 

Copy Office Hours Join URL

  1. From the Chico State Zoom portal, select Meetings

  2. Select the meeting you just scheduled (or select the Personal Meeting Room tab). 

  3. From your office hours meeting or Personal Meeting Room, copy the Join URL as shown below.

    Zoom meeting options

Insert Link on your Canvas Home page

These instructions assume you are using the Chico State Canvas template and are editing the home page. However, the following instructions apply anywhere in Canvas you can insert a link. 

  1. From the content editor, highlight the placeholder for your office hours. 

  2. From the Insert menu, select Link > External Link or use the shortcut provided below.

    Canvas content editor
  3. From the Insert Link window, provide a user-friendly name and paste the encrypted link to your Zoom meeting. 

Zoom insert link

  1. Save your changes to the Canvas Home page. 

Start Your Zoom Office Hours From Canvas 

  1. Select the link from your Canvas home page page to start your office hours. 
    Canvas home page

  2. If you are prompted with a screen similar to the following, select Host Sign In.
    Zoom personal meeting room

  3. Select SSO.
    Zoom SSO

  4. If prompted, enter csuchico as the domain and your portal ID and pwd.

  5. If prompted, Join with Computer Audio.

Import Office Hours link into the Canvas Integration [Optional] 

If you use the Zoom integration within Canvas for live class meetings, consider importing the link to your office hours there as well. Note: you cannot import your Personal Meeting Room into the Zoom integration. 

New: The Zoom integration in Canvas also now has a new Bookable Appointments feature that allows students to book appointments with you. 
As of Spring 2024, TLP does not officially recommend the Zoom Appointments feature since the appointments do not show up on the Canvas calendar for students. They, will, however, receive a confirmation email. 

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Article ID: 113575
Tue 6/6/23 3:21 PM
Thu 3/7/24 1:25 PM

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This article provides an overview of Zoom integration with Canvas, when to use it, and instructions for scheduling a Zoom meeting using the integration.