Adding a Custom Banner or Course Card Graphic in Canvas

Quick Links: | Prerequisites | Instructions | Troubleshooting 

Chico State offers customized course card and banner graphic templates to help faculty create engaging and organized online course environments. This guide provides instructions on how to download these graphics from our Google slide presentation and import them into your own course.  


  • Access to a Canvas course 
  • Access to your Chico State Google account where you can copy the slides 


  1. Select one of the following links to open the TLP Google slide deck: Course Card or Banner Graphics
  2. Select  Make a Copy when prompted.
  3. Select the slide that you want to customize and choose Duplicate Slide.  This makes it easier to revert back to the original if needed.
  4. Add your custom edits to the slide. This can include editing the text or even replacing the graphic altogether.
  5. When done, select the entire slide and choose File > Download > PNG.
    screenshot of selected Google slide with File > Download > PNG
  6. Access your Canvas course.
  7. Add the image to your course. 
    • To add the image to your course card: select Settings from your course menu, and then Choose Image next to the placeholder. Update Course Details.
    • To add the image to a page: locate the page and select Insert > Image > Upload Image. Save.


  • Using horizontal or square buttons for your course home page? Please make sure that you link them correctly and also add alternative text for accessibility. 
  • Looking to add icons to your course? Check out our Chico State Icons available in red, gray, and black.
  • If you would like even more Chico State images to add to or customize your course graphics, check out the Chico State FlickrAlso see: Chico State Icons

Still need help? Reach out to Canvas support or the Technology & Learning Program for further assistance.