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This guide explains how students can respond to Poll Everywhere polling activities using a web browser or mobile app, with tips on participation tracking and anonymous polling access.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for instructors on how to edit points for existing graded polls in Poll Everywhere, allowing for the adjustment of scoring based on new criteria or feedback.
Poll Everywhere is a tool that can be used to turn class lectures and meetings into interactive experiences.
This getting started article organizes all of the Poll Everywhere articles by where they fit in the typical teaching and learning process.
This guide provides instructions for instructors on exporting Poll Everywhere activity results to the Canvas Gradebook, including grading strategies, organizing polls, and troubleshooting common issues.
Contains a list of instructors' frequently asked questions as well as known issues
Poll Everywhere's “weighted grades” feature allows presenters to assign a point value to any multiple-choice activity answer or clickable image region.