Present Activities in Poll Everywhere During a Live Meeting


The quickest way to display an activity to an audience is by using Present mode in Poll Everywhere. This mode hides all other settings and browser buttons, ensuring that only the current activity is visible. When an activity is displayed in Present mode, it is automatically activated, allowing participants to respond.

Helpful Tip: Poll Everywhere works best when visualizations are displayed on a projector, large screen, or shared through video conferencing software.


Before you begin, ensure the following:

  • You have created an activity in Poll Everywhere.

  • Your computer is connected to a projector, large display, or video conferencing software if needed.

  • You are familiar with basic keyboard navigation (Tab, arrow keys, and Escape key).

Step-by-Step Instructions

Displaying an Activity in Present Mode

To present an activity directly from the web:

  1. Go to your My Activities page.
  2. Select the title of the activity you want to present. This opens the Activity slide.
  3. Select Present at the top right.
    • The activity will enter full-screen mode and activate automatically.
    • The presentation control buttons will fade into the background but can be recalled by clicking anywhere on the slide.

Navigating Between Activities

  • Use the Tab key followed by the Arrow keys to switch between activities.
  • Alternatively, use the navigation buttons at the bottom left of the Presentation controls.

Exiting Present Mode

  • Press the Escape key on your keyboard.
  • OR select the Exit button on the right side of the Presentation controls.

Locking an Activity

If you want to pause an activity while staying in Present mode: 

  • Select Lock to stop new responses.
  • While locked, the activity remains visible to participants, but they cannot submit responses.
  • Select Unlock to allow responses again.


For additional assistance, refer to Poll Everywhere's Presenting from the Web article  or contact support.

  • Why is my activity not displaying in full-screen?
    • Ensure that your browser allows full-screen mode and that no pop-up blockers are interfering.
  • Can I switch between activities without exiting Present mode?
    • Yes! Use the Tab + Arrow keys or the navigation buttons to move between activities.
  • What if I need to pause responses?
    • Use the Lock button to stop new responses while keeping the activity visible.

Next Steps 

When you are ready to present your activity refer to:

  • Present Activity 
  • Share Activity Results