Embed a Kaltura Video Quiz in Canvas as a Graded Assignment

Quick Links: | Prerequisites | Instructions | Troubleshooting | Next Steps |

This guide walks instructors through the process of embedding a Kaltura video quiz into a Canvas course. Embedding a video quiz directly into course content can streamline the student experience and integrate assessment seamlessly with learning materials.


Step-by-Step Instructions

To embed your Kaltura video quiz in Canvas, do the following:

  1. In your Canvas course, navigate to Assignments and select +Assignment to create a new assignment.
  2. Enter a name and description for the assignment. Set the point value by clicking on the Points [1] field and entering the desired points.
  3. For Submission Type, choose External Tool [2].
    Canvas edit assignment page. User is entering 100 in the points field. Arrows point to the points field and the 'Find' button for the external tool.
  4. Select Find to search for the Kaltura video quiz tool. Choose Video Quiz Kaltura from the list.
    Configure External Tool dialog. User is selecting the Kaltura Video Quiz tool from the list of external tools.
  5. In the dialog window, select Embed next to the quiz you want to embed.
  6. Back in the External Tools dialog, choose Select, then Save and Publish to finalize the assignment.
  7. To add the video quiz to a module, go to Modules, find the module, and select the + button on the module header. Choose Assignment, select your quiz, and click Add Item.

By following these steps, your video quiz is now available for students to complete and grades will automatically post back to the Canvas gradebook.


  • If student grades aren't passing back from Kaltura, ensure you've created the quiz as an assignment. Video quizzes embedded directly in modules do not contribute to a student's grade.
  • If the grade passback issue only affects a few students, ensure they aren't using ad-blockers or other content filtering options in their browser.

Next Steps

Now that your video quiz is available to students, you can:

Still need help? If you run into problems or still need help, reach out to the Technology & Learning Program