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- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendars & File Sharing
- Chico State Email (Exchange)
If your Chico State account gets compromised, follow these steps to secure your account.
- Knowledge Base
- Learning Technologies
- Canvas
- Faculty Articles
- People and Groups
Learn how to use Canvas's New Analytics to download a full course roster with students' emails.
- Knowledge Base
- Learning Technologies
- Canvas
- Faculty Articles
Canvas offers many great communication options. Use this guide to understand the communication tools available to you.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendars & File Sharing
Take advantage of the new 1TB mail storage and move your local PST archives to the cloud for security and access from anywhere!
- Knowledge Base
- Learning Technologies
- Canvas
- Frequently Asked Questions
Canvas Inbox is often times confused for email. This article describes the relationship between the two and how to change notification settings.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendars & File Sharing
- Chico State Email (Exchange)
How to log into your Chico State email (aka campus email, student email, school email, work email, and formerly Wildcat Mail) and Frequently Asked Questions.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendars & File Sharing
- Chico State Email (Exchange)
Here is how to set up the MacMail app with your Chico State email account.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendars & File Sharing
- Chico State Email (Exchange)
Configure Microsoft Office 365 email on an Android Device
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendars & File Sharing
- Chico State Email (Exchange)
- Outlook Desktop App
When you send a message as another account, user, or on behalf of the user, the sent message isn't saved to the Sent Items folder of the shared mailbox. Instead, it's saved to the Sent Items folder of your mailbox.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendars & File Sharing
- Chico State Email (Exchange)
This article describes how to add the KnowBe4 Phish Alert app if the Phish Alert button is not appearing correctly.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendars & File Sharing
- Chico State Email (Exchange)
- Outlook Desktop App
This is a walkthrough to add an existing Exchange account to Outlook (Mac or PC)
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendars & File Sharing
- Chico State Email (Exchange)
Guide to using the Phish Alert button that you may see in Exchange Online / Outlook
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendars & File Sharing
- Box
- Box Help & Support
- Box Settings and Preferences
Emails from box on folder activity (uploads, downloads,comments,previews, deletes) can be set by the user in the Account Preferences.