Design Canvas Modules Using Best Practices

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Organizing your course into Modules is a logical and comprehensive way to guide students through the course content. Modules act as a table of contents, clearly indicating what students need to do to complete the course. This guide will cover the best practices for structuring your course content using Modules, including how to use text headers, create start and end pages, build content natively in Canvas, and organize content effectively. Following these guidelines will enhance the learner experience and make course navigation more intuitive.


  • Instructor access to a Canvas course.
  • Prepared course content to organize into Modules.

Best Practices

To effectively organize your Canvas course into Modules, do the following:

  1. Create Modules

    • Navigate to your course and select Modules from the sidebar.
    • Select + Module to create a new module.
    • Name your module according to a logical structure, such as "Week 1: Introduction".
  2. Add Content to Modules

  3. Use Text Headers for Navigation

    • Select + within a module, then choose Text Header to create headers that guide students through the module content.
    • Note that text headers only show on the Modules page
  4. Include Start and End Pages

    • Add a first page titled "Start of Module" to introduce the module content.
    • Add a last page titled "End of Module" to signify the module's conclusion.
    • These pages help students navigate content using the Next button without missing key module titles or headers.
  5. Chunk Content

    • Break large amounts of text into multiple content pages.
    • Use Modules as a table of contents, ensuring each chunk is manageable and logically connected.
  6. Logical Numbering or Naming Structure

    • Number or name items within a module systematically. For example, use "2.1, 2.2, 2.3a, 2.3b" for Module 2.
    • Align modules with the weeks of the semester, such as "Module 1: Week 1".
  7. Avoid Using Dates

    • Refrain from including specific dates in module or item titles.
    • This practice reduces the need for date adjustments when copying the course for future semesters.


  • If students report difficulty navigating the course, ensure that text headers and start/end pages are clearly labeled.
  • Verify that all content is built natively within Canvas for consistency and ease of use.
  • Double-check the logical numbering of modules and items to ensure clarity.

Still need help? If you run into problems or still need help, reach out to the Technology & Learning Program or contact Canvas Support. 

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