How do I link to Canvas Pages or Files in a Question Bank that I want to use in multiple courses?

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When you add questions to a quiz through the Find Quiz Question dialog, you will see all question banks across all of your courses. In some cases, instructors wish to use a single question bank in more than one course. For most questions that have just images and text, embedding them works just fine. However, for questions that link to Canvas pages or Files within a specific course, students will not be able to access them.​ 

To prevent this issue, there are two possible methods you can use:

  1. Add the files you want to be accessible by multiple courses to your account instead of one of the courses: If you are only linking to files (doc, pdf, etc.) and no pages, you can add those files to your account files instead of the course’s files. In the global navigation on the far left, select Account > Files. Add the files you need, then link to them within the question.
  2. Un-bookmark the question bank so it only appears in the course in which it was originally created: When you manually create a new question bank, it’s automatically bookmarked. 

In the following image, note that we are in the course "Prep #1" but still see question banks from a different course, "Sandbox 1" in addition to the Prep #1 questions.

Image described in text above

After creating a question bank that links to files or pages within that course, unbookmark it to prevent it from appearing in any other course.

1. Go to your bookmarked banks.

Course question banks

2. Then, select the option to remove bookmarks next to problematic question banks. 

The question bank will no longer show outside the designated course. If you want to use the same question bank in a different course, you can create a duplicate in the course in which it will be used.

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Article ID: 113588
Wed 6/21/23 1:02 PM
Wed 1/3/24 8:33 AM