Tutorials on how to use Cascade (Campus Web).

Articles (16)

Context Menu

The context menu, accessible by right-clicking on any asset, provides you with a menu of available actions for that asset.

Creating an external link in Cascade

External links are needed when making a card link to a PDF open in a new tab or another external link open in a new tab.

Disable Publishing in Cascade

Don’t let your pages go live before they’re ready, learn how to Disable Publishing in Cascade.

How to Convert a PDF into a Webpage

Webpages are the primary method to display content on a web browser, therefore they should be used rather than PDFs.

How to Create People Pages

Steps and tips on create people pages in Cascade.

How to delete files

Explaining how to delete pages, sections, widgets or other files in Cascade.

How to Publish to Development

Working on a webpage and want to see how it would look in your browser without publishing live into the internet? Publish the page to the development server first.

How to use the annoucement and event widget

Tutorial on how to post to an event/announcement widget using the campus calendar form.