How to Publish to Development

Tags cascade

When publishing a page there's the option to publish to the development server only instead of the live Internet. In order to reach the development server, the user must be within the campus intranet. 

How to publish only to development

When publishing enter the Publishing Settings 

publishing settings in cascade

Under Destinations deselect www and www-az.

publishing to the dev server in Cascade

Then Publish.

The link to view the webpage in the development server will start with wwwdev 

Example of link:

Publishing live to the Internet

When publishing enter the Publishing Settings 

publishing settings in cascade

All Destinations should be selected.

publishing live into the internet

Live links do not contain wwwdev

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Article ID: 113819
Tue 6/4/24 1:24 PM
Tue 6/4/24 1:24 PM