Purchase Computer Equipment

IT Support Services can provide assistance with purchasing desktops, laptops, tablets, and accessories. Information about our supported configurations can be found in the Knowledge Base

Equipment that doesn't match one of our supported configurations can be ordered if needed to meet a legitimate business need, but will need to be assessed on a case by case basis, which will cause a delay in processing.

To get a request started, please click the Request Service button to the right and fill out the form with as much detail as possible. Someone from ITSS will contact you to make sure your needs are understood. We will then get a quote for your equipment and, with your approval of that quote, get the equipment ordered, imaged, and deployed. We will also assist you with any "trickle-downs" or surplusing of existing equipment.

Request Service

Related Articles (1)

This article will outline purchasing from Chico State's designated enterprise vendors (Dell, Microsoft, and Apple), including standardization advantages, sustainability, and warranty details, along with instructions for requesting new devices and accessories.