Getting Started with Poll Everywhere


This getting started article organizes all of the Poll Everywhere articles by where they fit in the typical teaching and learning process.


Quick Links: What is Poll Everywhere? | Start of Semester | Create and Configure Poll Activities | Present and Share | Tracking | Contact |

What is Poll Everywhere?

Poll Everywhere is a web-based polling software that allows participants to respond to polls or surveys synchronously or asynchronously from their cell phones, tablets, or laptops.  Results are tabulated and can be displayed in real time, on-screen.  Poll Everywhere performs similarly to “clickers” but offers more activity options for engagement. With Poll Everywhere it is helpful to remember that there are two, different websites for creating polls and responding to polls. 

Typical Workflow

The following represents a common workflow for using Poll Everywhere here at Chico State. Contact the Technology and Learning Program to discuss other scenarios. 

  1. Instructor imports class roster to Poll Everywhere  [optional if you want to track who is participating]

  2. Instructor creates and configures poll activities. 

  3. Instructor activates the poll and presents the poll with students during meeting via Zoom chat or slide.

  4. Students respond to one or more poll activities during a meeting by clicking a link provided by the instructor or using mobile app. 

  5. Instructor presents poll results during class for formative assessment. 

  6. Instructor generates grade reports based on student participation and/or correct responses and exports data to the LMS. [optional]

Start of Semester 

Create and Configure Poll Activities

Instructors can create polls, activate polls, present polls live during class, and/or embed links to polls so students can answer them asynchronously in the LMS.

Note: Restrict Registration must be turned on to track students participation.

Present Poll Activities / Share Results

Tracking Participation & Grading

Note: for this feature to work properly, instructors must first register their students with Poll Everywhere. See Importing your Class Roster to Poll Everywhere.


Contact the Technology and Learning Program TLP Live Zoom Support Room (Drop-in assistance for faculty Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) or by email:




Article ID: 113225
Wed 7/14/21 3:18 PM
Thu 2/29/24 5:15 PM