Student Printing - CatPRINTS

In January 2024, the Division of IT (DoIT) announced it would launch a centrally managed student printing services system that will be supported by IT Support Services, in an effort to improve the user experience for our students. This project has been created in response to feedback received from the IT End-User Survey sent by DoIT each year, a forum where students let us know that existing printing services on campus are too expensive, difficult to use, and unreliable. The implementation has been delayed, but the solution is still coming. As soon as new hardware delivery is confirmed, we will have a timeline for installation of the new solution. 

DoIT is collaborating with areas across campus who support student success to create a consistent user experience that focuses on the printing needs of students. The new printers will be part of a centrally managed network of high-quality printers, positioning the Division of IT to proactively support student printing services while learning more about student needs through the data collection that a centrally managed printing system allows. The new printers will be placed in accessible locations across campus and enable printing from mobile phones or any internet enabled device. Each student will be given a printing account with a specified number of free printed pages per semester, creating an equitable and consistent user experience regardless of the location that is being used for printing. 

A student using an example CatPrints printing station

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Article ID: 29250
Wed 4/12/17 4:34 PM
Fri 4/19/24 8:59 AM