Quick Links: | Configuring your Account | Logging into Keeper | Using Keeper for Passwords | Installing the Keeper App |
Configuring your Keeper Account
Requesting a Keeper Account
Use this TeamDynamix Service Request, Request a Keeper Security Enterprise Account, to request a Chico State Enterprise Account. If you are a current Chico State Enterprise LastPass user, skip to Activate your Account.
Note: Currently, only active Chico State Faculty, Staff, and Student Staff are permitted to request access to Keeper accounts.
Activating your Keeper Account
Once authorized, you will be sent an invitation email from Keeper Security. Click the Set Up Your Account Now button located in the email invitation sent by your Keeper Administrator. Since your Keeper account is deployed through Single Sign-On (SSO) you will automatically be routed to authenticate with our SSO provider to launch your Keeper Vault.
Logging into your Keeper Account
Once your account has been activated, you can log in to your account through the Keeper Vault login page. Enter the email address associated with your account (your Chico State email address) and click Next. If you have not recently authenticated via SSO you will asked to authenticate through Chico State's SSO provider.

Using Keeper to Store Passwords
Importing Existing Passwords
If you are importing passwords from an existing Chico State Enterprise LastPass account, see the Knowledge base article for Importing records from LastPass to Keeper Password Manager.
Keeper Password Manager also supports importing from a variety of other Password Management Applications, including 1Password, Avast, Bitwarden, Dashlane, EnPass, Kaspersky, KeePass ,(.kdbx), KeePass (.XML), MacPass, ManageEngine, mSecure, MyKi, Passpack, Passportal, Password Boss, Psono, RoboForm, Safari, SplashID, Sticky Password, Thycotic / Delinea, True Key, and ZOHO.
Keeper Password Manager also supports importing passwords from the built-in password storage found in most popular Web browsers.
Additionally, you can import directly from a .CSV, Excel, or JSON file directly into Keeper Password Manager.
Note: Importing from some other password management applications may require the Keeper Password Manager desktop application, outlined under Installing the Keeper Password Manager Desktop Application
To begin the import process click the Account Drop down Menu (your email address), then click Settings > Import.

Creating New Records
A Keeper record can be any password, file, or other sensitive piece of information that is stored in your private, digital Vault. To create a record, click + Create New > Record.
When creating new Log in records, remember to use long, random, and unique passwords to protect your information and reduce your exposure to data breaches. Click the dice icon on a record to generate strong, random passwords.

The following steps are not required but are recommended to get the best experience using the Keeper suite.
Installing the Keeper Apps
Installing the Keeper Password Manager Desktop Application
The Keeper Password Manager desktop application allows for ease of use outside of a browser session as well as proving the ability to save and fill passwords in situations outside of a web browser. Note that use of the desktop application may be required to import passwords from some other password managers.
The Keeper Password Manager is available through the Software Center (on campus-managed PCs) and the Self Service application (on campus-managed Macs).
Installing the KeeperFill browser extension
The KeeperFill Browser Extension allows you to autofill your passwords and save new login credentials you create to your vault. Click here to visit the Keeper website and download KeeperFill for your browser.
Browser-specific setup instructions and more information for KeeperFill can be found here: KeeperFill for Chrome, KeeperFill for Firefox, KeeperFill for Safari, KeeperFill for Edge, KeeperFill for Opera.
If it's the first time you are logging into a site with KeeperFill, you will be asked if you would like Keeper to autofill your login.

Still need help? Contact IT Support Services for further assistance with the Keeper Password Manager. If you have a security concern, please contact Information Security.
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