Accessing CSU Learn on Wildcat Remote Desktop

Step 1: Access the Microsoft Virtual Wildcat Lab here:

Step 2: Select the Wildcat Lab Desktop and allow the local resources

Step 3: In the Credentials Screen log in with your CSU Chico username and password

Step 4: Once you see the ITSS desktop open a new Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Firefox browser window (don't change any settings in the desktop/browser)

Step 5: Access your CSU Learn portal  (Copy/Paste this link)

Step 6: Navigate to your CSU Learn Dashboard and find the "assigned training" tab in the lower left corner

Step 7: Select your assigned training and click either Register or Start (depending on the training)

Step 8:  If this is a re-certification you will need to register again for the activity, be sure to click "Register again" before selecting "Start"

Remember to not close the tracking pop-up and do not exit the activity until you have finished everything and/or spent the required amount of time.