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Updating your Display Name
Display names will be updated through the Chico State Account Center.
- Navigate to Account Center via the Chico State Portal
- In Account Center, go to the My Profile tab
- Enter your preferred name under the "Display Name" Section

- Click Submit. Your display name should update over 24 hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will my name take to update?
For most systems, the display name should update overnight. Some systems may take up to 24 hours to update.
Will this update my name everywhere?
No, some places will still use your legal name rather than your preferred or display name. You should see your name updated in Canvas, Google Workspace, Adobe Creative Cloud, Box, Duo, TeamDynamix, and Microsoft 365.
To update your name fully, you will need to contact the Office of the Registrar (current and former students) or Human Resources (staff/faculty with no student history)
Updating your display name will not change your Chico State Username. If you want to update your username, put in a Username Change Request.
Why didn't my name change in campus systems when I changed my name with Human Resources and/or the Registrar's Office?
Chico State allows individuals the flexibility to control their display names through Account Center. There are situations when individuals will need to update their name with Human Resources and/or the Registrar's Office but would like to use a different name to display to other campus users.
Still need help? Contact IT Support Services for further assistance.
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