WinSCP Configuration for YourWeb

WinSCP is a SFTP client that can be configured to transfer files to YourWeb. 

If you’re FTPing to your own space on the Web server, or if you’re setting up an FTP account for someone else to use to FTP to your space, you’ll need to start by getting information about the FTP credentials from cPanel:

Step 1) Log in to:

Step 2). In the Search Box at the top of the page, search for “FTP”, or click the FTP Accounts icon that appears under the Files heading.

Step 3). You’ll have the option to create a new FTP account, or you can scroll down the page to find the credentials for the default FTP account. If you want to create an account, fill out the Add FTP Account form with a username and password. By default, the new FTP account will be limited to a directory with the same name as the account you’re creating. You can change this to a different directory, if you want to grant this account access to a different location.  NOTE: Make sure you know/remember the password you enter. When you’re done, click Create FTP Account.

The default FTP Account will look something like this: 

FTP Username:
FTP server:
FTP & explicit FTPS port:  21

Open WinSCP and enter the information. Remember to set the port number.  Leave the password field blank so that you will be prompted each time (for security reasons).

Click the Save button, then Login.

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