Quick Links: | Prerequisites | Use Gradescope More Efficiently | Integrate Gradescope into Your Pedagogy |
This guide offers best practices for instructors using Gradescope to grade assignments efficiently and enhance their teaching strategies. Gradescope’s features, such as automated grading, grouping similar answers, and advanced analytics, provide opportunities to streamline grading while improving feedback for students. By following these tips, instructors can make the most of the platform while improving their course outcomes.
- Access to Gradescope with instructor privileges.
- Basic understanding of how to create and manage assignments within Gradescope.
- Familiarity with rubrics and grading structures used in your course.
Use Gradescope More Efficiently
To use Gradescope more efficiently, follow these tips:
Group Similar Answers:
This feature allows you to batch grade similar responses, speeding up the grading process.
- After scanning and uploading the assignment, navigate to the Review Answers tab.
- Select Group Similar Answers, and Gradescope will automatically cluster similar responses together for quick grading.
- Assign grades and apply comments to all answers in the group, reducing repetitive actions.
Regularly Update Rubrics:
Update your rubric as you grade to reflect common student responses and discrepancies you find.
- While grading, click on Edit Rubric to adjust points or add feedback that applies to multiple students.
- This ensures that your grading remains consistent, even when unexpected student answers appear.
Integrate Gradescope into Your Pedagogy
To incorporate Gradescope into your teaching strategy, consider the following:
Use Gradescope Analytics:
Gradescope provides detailed analytics on assignment performance, allowing you to see where students are struggling.
- After grading an assignment, navigate to the Statistics tab to view class performance metrics.
- Use this data to adjust your teaching and focus on concepts that students find challenging in future lectures.
Use Feedback to Improve Assignments:
Feedback gathered through Gradescope, such as rubric adjustments and common student mistakes, can be used to improve assignment design.
- After grading, review common errors and confusing questions to identify areas where instructions could be clearer or where students need additional practice.
- Incorporate these insights into future assignments to promote better learning outcomes.
Still need help? If you run into problems or still need help, reach out to the Technology & Learning Program.