New voicemail box

Voicemail allows callers to leave a personal, secure message when you are unavailable and allows you to access and manage your messages at any time from any phone.

Features available on the campus voice mail system include:

  • Set separate greetings for when you are away from your desk, on the phone, and out of the office for an extended period
  • Access messages and mailbox settings directly from your phone or from any remote location, 24 hours a day
  • Dial directly into voice mail to leave a message without ringing the user's phone
  • Mailboxes are password-protected
  • Multiple mailboxes can be assigned to a single phone line
  • A message-waiting indicator light or stutter dial tone lets you know you have a message waiting
  • Automated attendant allows outside callers to choose how their call is routed in the absence of a live operator.
  • On-line access to voice mail programming and quick reference guides.

Campus faculty and staff may a request a voicemail box for use with their individual or department telephone extension. 

There are no installation, setup or ongoing monthly charges for a standard voicemail box.