Credit card processing (PCI) review

AUTHORIZATION TO ADD OR MODIFY CREDIT CARD ACCEPTANCE CHANNEL ICSUAM 3102.5 requires that the campus CFO or designee approve all physical locations, websites, 3rd party processors, or any channel accepting credit card payments. Any change involving credit card acceptance must first be approved by the CFO or his/her designee. The following is the process to request authorization or modification for accepting credit card payments for the campus.


The purpose of this service is to collect required documentation and to allow submitters to review the status of their requests. Prior to opening this request, please complete the following required documentation, as you will need to submit PDF documents to complete the request.


1. Complete the Credit Card Channel Acceptance Form, obtain the approval and signature of the appropriate Responsible Administrator, and submit it to the Director of Student Financial Services for authorization.


2. Read the Chico State PCI Data Security Standard Compliance requirements and determine the department's obligations.


3. Complete Attachment A (PDF): Chico Credit Card Acceptance Survey is a high-level certification that should be completed by the appropriate administrator of each division or department that accepts credit cards.


4. Complete Attachment B (PDF): Chico Credit Card Business Process Inventory should be completed by each business unit or for each business process involved in the collection of credit cards.  This form is intended to capture how credit cards are accepted, especially business processes associated with the collection of credit cards.  Areas that do not electronically store or process credit card numbers are not required to continue.


Additional Documents


Your request will be evaluated and may require additional compliance documentation.


Sample Credit Card Payment Flow (PDF)

Sample Credit Card Process Narrative (PDF)

Request Service


Service ID: 11327
Wed 12/16/15 1:20 PM
Tue 11/7/23 3:20 PM