Server SSL certificate request

SSL Certificates are used to create secure connections between a user and the server they are trying to reach, using encryption. This encrypted connection is created through the use of public key cryptography, which is a set of well-established techniques and standards for protecting communications from eavesdropping, tampering, and impersonation attacks. Certificate configuration involves the creation of a certificate request (CSR) on the server using a private key. The CSR is then submitted to a Certificate Authority (CA), which converts the certificate request into a certificate. Chico State uses InCommon Comodo for SSL certificates.

When requesting a certificate, there are three common certificate types used:

InCommon SSL (SHA-2) – required for single system certificates on public-facing servers 
InCommon Multi Domain SSL (SHA-2) - required for multi-domain servers 
InCommon Intranet SSL (SHA-2) –required for internal servers 

Note: Wildcard certificates (i.e. * are generally issued on a restricted basis. Contact the Information Security Office if a Wildcard certificate is necessary.

Request Service


Service ID: 10925
Thu 11/12/15 9:42 AM
Mon 8/8/22 5:17 PM