Roles & Responsibilities of a Knowledge Base Reviewer

Most areas using TeamDynamix also utilize the Knowledge Base side of TeamDynamix for managing documentation and how-to guides. Any department using the Knowledge Base should have an area Knowledge Base reviewer. The role of the reviewer is to ensure that Knowledge Base content in their area is well managed, up-to-date, and meets the guidelines for Knowledge Base articles.

Our Goal

The Knowledge Base can be an incredible resource for both IT Professionals and end-users if the right resources are created, compiled, and managed appropriately. In some cases, having a well-organized Knowledge Base may lower ticket volumes, provide immediate solutions to a variety of technical issues, and overall increase customer satisfaction. This is done best with detailed information compiled by various department experts and disseminated in an organized manner.


Area Knowledge Base reviewers have the following responsibilities:

  • Regularly check for articles pending review in their area of the Knowledge Base
  • Review, edit, and approve articles
  • Communicate with authors on their articles
  • Respond to feedback on articles in their area
  • Uphold high editorial standards for content in the Knowledge Base
  • Keep Knowledge Base content in their area accurate and up-to-date
  • Work with other Knowledge Base reviewers and the Knowledge Base leads to help maintain high quality and consistency throughout the Knowledge Base

Area Knowledge Base Reviewers

  • EAPP: Scott Kodai, Sam Back, Jim Nelson, Tony Fierro, Todd McGregor, Lauri Henry
  • CCSV: Lindsey Anderson
  • ISEC: Chris Witthans
  • ITSS: Casey Wallen
  • NOP: Gordon da Silva
  • CMT: Nathan Methvin-Terry
  • TLP: Marjorie Shepard
  • ATEC: Alex Wilson


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Article ID: 8533
Wed 8/19/15 3:07 PM
Tue 6/4/24 10:20 AM