HR Reports (Insight) and the CHRS Migration

Quick Links: | Data Changes | Report ChangesStatus of Data Category Updates |

Human Resources Reports are undergoing changes due to the move to Common Human Resources System (CHRS). Two major elements are occurring as a result of this: Data changes (in the background) and Report changes (what you see in Insight).

Data Changes

The background data structure for HR reports is changing. The old data source is not configured to merge CHRS and previous PeopleSoft data, so any HR reports that use it as a source have not updated after March 19, 2025

The newer data source is one that also currently drives Cognos and Tableau reports; we are bringing additional HR elements into it and bringing in the ability to merge 20+ years of PeopleSoft history with new CHRS data. Job and Person data were available upon go-live, but some of the other categories will come online in the weeks following go-live (see below for time frames).

If you are looking at historical rows, you may notice that some Employee Records now show values in the 500-520 range.  These rows reflect historical data for employee records that were not brought into CHRS and are not able to be looked up within CHRS.  The value is determined by taking the historical employee record from the old system and adding 500 (so a former employee record number of 3 will now show 503).  The conversion process changed and reallocated some employee record numbers for current and recent employees, so we modified this value to help avoid confusion.

Report Changes

The reports in Insight need to be modified to point to the new data source. This is an ongoing project and will be occurring into the summer of 2025. Approximately 50 reports have been updated as of 3/19/2025.

The look and feel of the Insight reports themselves will not change significantly. There will be minor changes, like reduced use of the term EmplID, which will become either Chico State ID or CHRS ID, based on the data being reported.

In the Human Resources folder in Insight, there is now a document that lists all decentralized reports. This will be updated regularly and indicate if a report is pointing to the older data source or the newer one. 

  • If it is pointing to the new data source, then it will have current CHRS data.
  • If it is pointing to the older data source, then HR data has not been updated since 3/19/2025 and may not be current. 

Status of Data Category Updates (as of 3/25/2025)

  • Job Data: Data is updating normally after conversion.
  • Person Data: Data is updating normally after conversion.
  • Labor Cost: CHRS data (March+) available after March LCD run in mid-April. 
  • Leave Balances: CHRS data (March+) available after March leave calendar run in mid-April. 
  • Benefits: CHRS data (March+) available late April.
  • Payable Time and Positive Pay: CHRS data (March+) available early April. 
  • Temporary Academic Employment (TAE) Data: Reports expected to be developed and available late Spring 2025.

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