Linux Global Protect OnDemand VPN

What is Available?

The creator of GlobalProtect, Palo Alto Networks (PAN), makes two versions of the client for linux: one that is command line based (CLI) and one that is Graphical User based (GUI).

While it seems that there is support from Palo Alto to install the global protect client for CLI and GUI environments, the CLI version, lacking support for SAML, will not work in our environment, so this limits the client that we can use to the GUI version.


Palo Alto Networks supplies three formats for the installation files:

- an .rpm format that supports Fedora, CentOS, and RedHat,

- a  .deb format that supports Ubuntu and Debian,

- a  .tgz format that tries to supply source based files for other flavors.

It is worth noting that not all distros of linux are supported.


Installing on Fedora, CentOS, and RedHat

Fetch the installation .rpm file from here.

As root, install the package with

sudo yum localinstall GlobalProtect_UI_rpm-

After this you should be able to launch the GlobalProtect client. Enter as the portal address and press connect, you will be asked to sign in.


Installing on Ubuntu and Debian

Fetch the installation .deb file from here.

As root, install the package with

sudo apt install ./GlobalProtect_UI_deb-

After this you should be able to launch the GlobalProtect client. Enter as the portal address and press connect, you will be asked to sign in.


Connecting on Arch

The GlobalProtect OpenClient package can be found within the Extra repository. To install the package:

sudo pacman -S globalprotect-openconnect


Installing using source files

The source file install is provided for distros that are not mentioned above. While there is no guarantee that it will work with your distro, this is provided as a last-ditch option.

Fetch the installation .tgz file from here.

Expand the .tgz file with

tar xvf  ./GlobalProtect_UI_tar- 

Follow the instructions in the README file for installation.


Connecting to VPN

Type the following command on a terminal window:

sudo openconnect --protocol=gp