Box Features




Box Collections enables you to create and name private collections of content in your Box account, where you can organize files and folders that you own or share.  And although the content may be shared, your collections are not shared and are visible only to you. 

Using Box Collections you can

  • intuitively organize your Box content into logical groupings of your choice,
  • name these groupings to provide clear and meaningful context, and
  • quickly find the content you need right now.

A quick video tour is provided on this page:

More documentation on Collections is here:


Box Annotations enables you to mark up almost any file with your comments, without using another application, on the Box Web platform.  Simply open a document in Box Preview.  From there you can place a border around any portion of that document and add a question or comment relevant to that portion.  Box records all your comments in the right-hand File Activity pane,  including the name of the commenter, the time of the comment, and the page number of the annotated section.    (Note:  Annotations is not currently available on Excel files.)

Find documentation on Box Annotations here:


Article ID: 112975
Wed 8/5/20 4:11 PM
Thu 1/4/24 10:42 AM