Adopt Course Material on Behalf of Faculty as a Depatment Chair

Quick Links: | Prerequisites | Instructions | Troubleshooting |

This guide explains how to submit course material adoptions on behalf of faculty using the Follett Discover Concierge role. It covers logging in, finding courses, and submitting adoptions for the current term. Follett Discover allows you to manage materials for your assigned departments and courses, simplifying the adoption process.


Before submitting adoptions, ensure the following:

  • You have access to Follett Discover.
  • A Follett Discover Concierge account is required. Contact the Wildcat Bookstore if you need access or an update to your department permissions.

Step-by-Step Instructions

To submit course material adoptions, follow these steps:

  1. Access Follett Discover.
  2. Log in using your email address and password.
    • If you forget your password, select the Forgot your Password link below the login box.
  3. From the main dashboard, use the Department and Term selectors to view your assigned department.
  4. To submit adoptions, do the following:
    • Enter the 13-digit ISBN for each course material in the text box.
    • Select Adopt.
  5. If you need to search for materials, select the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner to search by title, author, ISBN, or keyword.
  6. If the course does not require any materials, select I have no items to adopt for this course.

For supplies:

  • Search by keyword and select the Supplies tab in the search results.

Now your adoptions will be submitted for the selected courses and sections. If necessary, you can also manage materials for individual sections by selecting Manage by Section.


  • If you do not see the correct courses or departments, confirm with the Wildcat Bookstore manager that your account has the correct permissions.
  • Make sure that you are using the correct ISBN format when submitting adoptions. Incorrect formats will prevent successful submissions.

Still need help? If you run into problems or still need help, reach out to the Wildcat Bookstore