Appearance Request for President Perez

President Perez speaking at a lectern.


What is the name and nature of this event?

Please specify the name of the sponsoring department or group.

Start Time Median
Start Time Median
End Time Median
End Time Median
President Time Median
President Time Median
Please provide background and all relevant details for this event.
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File attachments associated with the request. Itinerary

Are you requesting that the President speak?
Are you requesting that the President speak?
Remarks Time Median
Remarks Time Median

Requested Engagement Level
Requested Engagement Level
Are you requesting members of the President's Cabinet attend this event?
Are you requesting members of the President's Cabinet attend this event?
Please select the Cabinet members you are requesting to attend. Choose 'All' if you are requesting the entire Cabinet's attendance.
Please select the Cabinet members you are requesting to attend. Choose 'All' if you are requesting the entire Cabinet's attendance.

Expected Event Audience
Expected Event Audience
Event Attire
Event Attire

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code