If this request is mandated, please provide details about what's driving the mandate.If you selected Chancellor's Office, legal or collective bargaining requirement, please provide details about the policy, law or executive memorandum that’s driving the mandate.
The Governor’s 2021-2022 budget provided $2M in new ongoing funding to the CSU, contingent on all campuses moving to an “intersegmental LMS”. 16 CSUs already use Canvas, and an intersegmental LMS is tantamount to the seven remaining campuses migrating to Canvas. The Chancellor’s Office asked the 7 remaining campuses to declare their intent in November 2021; Based on the CSU, direction, Chico has committed to the migration along with six other campuses. The deadline for completing the LMS migration itself is the end of the 2023-2024 academic year; we interpret this to mean that Canvas would be the official campus LMS beginning in spring 2024 semester (ie., Bb Learn would no longer be used for course instruction after spring 2024).