How will you measure the impact of this project?What are some metrics or KPIs that will be used to measure success? Think about the five metrics to measure: quality, quantity, timeliness, cost, and customer satisfaction.
Reduction in time spent on the manual work-around; supporting the hard coding that needed to be completed in COGNOS to facilitate the work-around. Reduced need to audit the COGNOS reports.
As many as 50 departments, twice a year, have to remember to employ this workaround. And APSS, twice a year during the workload cycle of approximately 3 months, has to audit AWTU entries to ensure that everyone that should be using the hashtag, is, and that everyone else using the hashtag cleans up their data. It depends on the number of combined sections that qualify for additional assigned pay, and varies by semester. It could potentially be 2 hours per department per year, plus, say, 20 hours per year of Jennifer's time.