RQ - REGS Records Retention Process



Backlog Queue / Ready to Work []

0% complete, updated on Tue 4/23/24 4:53 PM by Scott Kodai

Changed Status from On Hold to Backlog Queue / Ready to Work.


Tue 7/5/22 - Fri 8/30/24
Graduation Advising
Softdocs, OnBase, & Perceptive Content ECM Systems / Perceptive Content - Projects (New or Enhancement)
PCMO Evaluated / Large DoIT Project / Division of IT Project
On Hold
Large Project (Generally Over 230 Hours Effort)
Develop a process that identifies students in Perceptive Content and their outlined documents if they have graduated or have not attended in the last 5 years as identified in PeopleSoft. Currently there is not a process in place to delete most of these types of documents. The staff run a job in Perceptive Content for students in the specific term then they manually review the list and indicate which items to route through to deletion.
Mon 6/20/22 8:43 AM
Wed 5/15/24 6:55 AM

Change Impact

How will you measure the impact of this project?
What are some metrics or KPIs that will be used to measure success? Think about the five metrics to measure: quality, quantity, timeliness, cost, and customer satisfaction.
Raw number reports for Perceptive Content related to these documents.

When fully staffed, we have 6-7 people working on the records retention process that we have in place for the few documents that we check. If we create this widespread retention project, it would actually add time on to our current process- but, we would be in compliance with FERPA, so that is the ultimate goal.

It’s hard to gauge how much time it takes to complete the current process of records retention, because our staff each checks 2 document types and there could be about 100 pages that they spot check. I’d say a couple of hours for their part, and for me it’s probably about 4 hours of reviewing the different queues. Again, this is for a total of 4 doc types. It would be much more with the full project.
What are the consequences of not doing this project?
For example: direct significant negative consequences to the University, unable to conduct basic services; failure to resolve customer complaints or requests; loss of opportunity for improved service delivery or efficiency. Please explain.
Failure to comply with retention policies from the Chancellor's Office.
How many employees will be impacted by this change?
Select the size of the employee population that will be impacted by this request.
How many students will be impacted by this change?
Select the size of the student population that will be impacted by this request.

Project Costs

Funding Status
Funding is not necessary

Project Details

Project Champion
Person who voluntarily takes special interest in the adoption, implementation, and success of the project. They will help enforce the project solution with internal resources and promote it across campus.
Divisional VP Support
Does your divisional VP support this request?
What would a successful solution look like?
What outcome will you have at the conclusion of this project? If this proposal is one of a multi-phase project, please explain your plans, goals, and timelines for subsequent phases.
Streamline their document retention process and have some sort of mostly automated process to identify and delete the documents as specified, but include a step where the staff are able to review the list of identified students and documents before those documents are deleted.
Executive Sponsor Division
The executive sponsor's campus division.
Student Affairs
If this request is mandated, please provide details about what's driving the mandate.
If you selected Chancellor's Office, legal or collective bargaining requirement, please provide details about the policy, law or executive memorandum that’s driving the mandate.
Mandated by the CO.
Project Urgency
Indicate if there is a mandate or requirement driving this request.
Mandated by Federal Law, State Law, or Executive Order
Campus Enduring Commitments & Strategic Goals
For more information about the Campus Enduring Commitments and Strategic Priorities, please go to https://www.csuchico.edu/strategicplan/enduring... and https://www.csuchico.edu/strategicplan/.
Strategic Priority: Resilient and Sustainable Systems

Project Resources & Effort

What resources will this project require?
Identify the department and/or individuals that might need to work on this project and the estimated number of hours required for each individual.
Digital Transformations team for the work to be completed in Perceptive Content and the PeopleSoft team for querying the correct list of students who meet the criteria for document deletion.
DoIT Departments Involved
Any Division of IT departments that will be involved in this project.
EAPP (Enterprise Applications)
Complexity of Implementation
What is the complexity of the project?
Moderate (multiple interfaces/impacts/dependencies)
What is the solution type?
The solution type translates to the level of impact on IT staffing and technology maintenance. Based on consultation with your IT representative, pick the best fit for your proposed solution.
New features in an existing system, moderate breadth/depth


Records Retention schedule requires removal of specific document types such as Application, CR/NC, Degree Progress Documents, Test Scores, Immunization Records, High School Transcripts, Transcripts etc. 5 years after graduation or last day of attendance for the student. We began retaining documents in these doc types in Fall 2009 and need to begin to develop a process to identify students and their documents that meet the criteria so they can be deleted from our records.

Systems Affected

  1. PeopleSoft CS

  2. Perceptive Content


Alternate Manager(s)


Stakeholders (3)

Azucena Vargas
Accountable, Consulted, Informed
Accountable, consulted, informed.
Mon 6/20/22 9:04 AM
Michael Allen
Consulted, Informed
Will likely be involved in some way.
Wed 1/19/22 8:19 AM
Michelle Holmes
Consulted, Informed
Vested interest.
Wed 1/19/22 8:19 AM