General Glossary


Allows technicians and users to easily located specific devices' history. Can also be used to track and maintain both hardware and software assets.

Client Portal

Can be found by visiting on any web browser or device. The website for end users to interact with the TeamDynamix platform. The Client Portal has two main components: Service Catalog and Knowledge Base. 

Email Service

TeamDynamix includes a service that monitors an email inbox, allowing users to create a ticket by sending an email. Additionally, any time a user receives an email notification about a ticket they have entered and replies are also monitored and appended as comments to the original ticket.


A collection of one or more Users. Users may belong to more than one group.


A classification of a ticket; usually a service interruption to an application that was not planned or expected. 

Example: Wireless network goes down unexpectedly

Knowledge Base

Available to both technicians and clients as a knowledge management area. Includes how-to guides, step-by-step walk-throughs, and more resources for troubleshooting and resolution.

Major Incident

A Major Incident is created when there is an outage or issue impacting many people. Major Incidents can be created as a way to let other groups know that there is an issue that may impact the users around them. It is recommended to create a major incident anytime 3-5 people are reporting the same problem, then continue to add other reports to the "parent" ticket. 


This tab in TDNext allows technicians to pull up and search for specific people within the organization. Using the People tab gives a quick way to search for a person's past tickets, look up user information, and more. 


There are various types of reports that technicians can create to organize their work and keep on top of both services and articles. The most common kinds are:

  • Ticket Report: generates a report based on the filters and requirements that are set and shows any corresponding service requests. These can range from a few tickets to hundreds. 
  • Knowledge Base Report: generates a report based on the filters and shows any corresponding Knowledge Base articles. An example would be creating a Knowledge Base report to view any group articles that are due for revision: Create a Department KB Review Report

Service Request

Classification type that allows users to request access to a service (Adobe, MS Office, etc.), help with a task (resetting a password), or other information.

Service Catalog

The Service Catalog is the client-facing side of TDNext. It allows clients to put in requests or incidents without having to contact a service desk directly (call, email, etc.). The Service Catalog displays all services provided to the logged-in user, though some may be restricted to certain groups.


TeamDynamix can be set up to send surveys out to users once a ticket has been closed. This gives users the opportunity to praise the team who helped them, or otherwise. You can create a desktop report to view survey responses:


A service request may have any number of tasks associated with it. If there is more than one task, they may be assigned a specific order for completion. Tasks may be assigned to a user/group that is different from the assignee of the service request itself.

Task Template

If the same set of tasks is to be generally applied to a ticket they can be grouped into a template. These templates can be assigned to a ticket type and automatically added to any new service request of that type.


The website for technicians and managers to interact with the TeamDynamix platform. This site includes access to the ticketing application.

Ticket Classification

There are different kinds of ticket classifications depending on the type of issues being experienced. The different classifications are: Incident, Major Incident, Change, Release, Service Request, and Major Service Request.

Ticket Type

This field usually indicates to technicians what kind of service is being provided.


There are two main types of Users in TeamDynamix:

  • Client User: Anyone with the ability to sign in to the Client Portal and request services. This will include all students, faculty, and staff.
    • Under this, there are both "Users" and "Customers".
      • Users are active and have signed into the Client Portal. 
      • Customers have not signed into the Client Portal.
  • TDNext User: Anyone with the ability to sign in to the TDNext application. These users will be managers, staff, and student staff who will be working with tickets, reports, etc. TDNext Users require a paid TeamDynamix license.


A service can be associated with a workflow, defining a series of approvals and tasks to be completed. The status of a service request is automatically adjusted based on the state of the workflow approvals.

More terms and information can be found via TeamDynamix Support:

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Mon 4/20/15 3:35 PM
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