Adding Risks and Issues to an Active Project in TeamDynamix


  1. When to Add Risks and Issues
  2. Adding Risks and Issues in a TeamDynamix Project
    1. Adding Risks from the Project Risks Register
    2. Adding Issues from Project Issues
  3. Adding an Issue from a Project Card Wall or Project Task

When to Add Risks and Issues

Risks are potential problems that might occur in the future and could negatively impact the project. It's crucial risks should be added as soon as they are identified so preventive measures can be taken or contingency plans can be made.

Issues are problems that are currently affecting the project. They should be added to the project as soon as they occur. It's crucial to identify and resolve issues as soon as possible to prevent them from impacting the project timeline or results.

Both risks and issues should be continuously monitored and updated throughout the project lifecycle. The status, impact, and plan for dealing with each risk or issue should be regularly updated to ensure everyone involved in the project is aware of the current situation and what is being done to address it.

Adding Risks and Issues to a TeamDynamix Project

  1. Navigate to your Project: Go to the Projects tab in TDNext and select the project you want to add risks or issues to.  If you cannot see the project, ask the project manager as a resource in the project first.

  2. Access Project Risks/Issues Section: On the project page, locate and select either "Issues" or "Risk Register" found in the left side menu.

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Adding Risks from the Project Risk Register

  1. Select 'New Risk': Within the 'Risks' section, select the 'New Risk' button.

  2. Fill in the Risk Details: Provide information about the risk, such as its title, description, and the probability of it occurring. Also, indicate the impact it would have on the project if it does occur.

  3. Assign the Risk: If appropriate, assign the risk to a project member who will be responsible for managing it.

  4. Save the Risk: After filling in the details, select 'Save'.

Adding Issues from the Project Issues

  1. Select 'New Issue': Within the 'Issues' section, select on the 'New Issue' button.

  2. Fill in the Issue Details: Provide information about the issue, such as its title, description, and impact on the project.

  3. Assign the Issue: If appropriate, assign the issue to a project member who will be responsible for addressing it.

  4. Save the Issue: After filling in the details, select 'Save'.

Adding an Issue from a Project Card Wall or Project Task

  1. Navigate to the Project Board: Once logged in, navigate to the Projects tab from the dashboard. Locate and select the project you wish to work on.

  2. Access the Card Wall or Project Task: Inside the project, find and select 'Card Wall' if you're working from the card wall, or 'Tasks' if you're working from a list of tasks.

  3. Select a Card or Task: Select a card from the card wall or select a task from the task list to open it.

  4. Create an Issue from a Card or Task: Inside the card or task, look for the 'Create Issue' option. It might be located under a menu or represented by a specific icon depending on your version of TeamDynamix. Select it to create a new issue.

  5. Fill in the Issue Details: Provide information about the issue, such as its title, description, and impact on the project. If possible, provide as much detail as you can to help the team understand the problem.

  6. Link the Issue to the Card or Task: The issue will automatically be linked to the card or task you created it from, providing a clear reference to the source of the issue.

  7. Assign the Issue: If appropriate, assign the issue to a project member who will be responsible for addressing it.

  8. Save the Issue: After filling in the details, select 'Save' to add the issue to the project.

By adding an issue directly from a card or task, you can save time and ensure the issue is clearly linked to the relevant work. This can help the team prioritize and address issues more effectively.

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