Moving Portlets

The Campus Portal allows for customization of the My Portal tab. You can add and remove content (Portlets) that are relevant to your interests and needs on campus. To move Portlets around on the My Portal tab, first log into and make sure you're on the My Portal tab. Find the Portlet you'd like to move and choose the Options drop down in the upper right corner of the Portlet as shown below, then choose "Move this portlet".

Choosing the Move this portlet option in the options drop down.

Once you've chosen to move the Portlet a 4-direction arrow will appear in the header of the Portlet. Hover your mouse over this icon then click-and-drag the Portlet to the new location. As you drag the Portlet around, an orange box will show you where the Portlet will snap to once you let go.

Click on the 4-direction arrow and drag the Portlet to the new location. The orange highlight shows where the Portlet is going to move to.

When you've moved the Portlet, let go of the Portlet and it will rest in the spot highlighted in orange.

Showing the moved Portlet in the new location.

For assistance with the Campus Portal, please open a support ticket.