Archiving and Deleting Knowledge Base Articles

Quick Links: | Archiving Articles | Deleting Articles |

Before you begin...

Any TDNext user with editing permissions can create Knowledge Base articles. If you are unsure if you have the proper permissions, try opening an article your department manages. If you do not see the "Edit" button on the right (see below), fill out a request here:

If you are unsure who your department Knowledge Base reviewer is, please see here:

Archiving Articles

When reviewing articles, you may determine that the article is out-of-date or no longer necessary. In these circumstances, the article(s) can be removed from the Knowledge Base to avoid cluttering up pages and search results with incorrect information. 

To archive an article, just click Edit then under Settings, change the status to "Archived". Archiving an article will also automatically unpublish it.

Example of archiving an article

Please note that when you archive an article, it will still be viewable by you and any other KB Reviewers. It will appear with a yellow "Archived" tag when appearing in Search (see below). These articles will not be viewable to the public, so this is a good status to set articles you may want to reuse in the future.

Archived tag in search

Deleting Articles

If you do want to permanently remove an article that you are no longer using and is not relevant anymore, you can request to have the article fully removed. To do so, please fill out a request here with the title and link to the article(s) you wish to have removed:

You will also need to submit a claim to Google to have the article removed from Google Search results. Use the following link to do so:

 Still need help? Contact IT Support Services for further assistance.
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Article ID: 114487
Wed 7/24/24 5:13 PM
Wed 7/24/24 5:13 PM