Responsibilities of Knowledge Base Content Managers

Quick Links: | Knowledge Base Goals | Content Manager Responsibilities | Enforcement and Compliance | Support Contacts |

Knowledge Base Goals

The Knowledge Base can be a powerful resource for both IT professionals and end-users when it is effectively created, compiled, and managed. A well-organized Knowledge Base can reduce ticket volumes, offer quick solutions to a range of technical issues, and enhance overall customer satisfaction. This effectiveness hinges on detailed contributions from department experts, presented clearly and systematically.

This aligns with the following IT Strategic Goal:

4.2 A. Knowledge Management: Enhance knowledge management and existing tools to help end users troubleshoot independently. Improve communication, direction, and navigation within the knowledge base to increase utilization and effectiveness.

These improvements will facilitate the adoption of the Knowledge Centered Service (KCS) methodology, advancing our knowledge management practices and driving continuous improvement.

Content Manager Responsibilities

To achieve these goals, Area Knowledge Base Content Managers play a crucial role by:

  • Regularly checking for articles pending review in their area
  • Reviewing, editing, and approving articles to ensure they meet quality standards
  • Communicating with authors to provide feedback and request necessary revisions
  • Responding to feedback from users to enhance the relevance and accuracy of articles
  • Upholding high editorial standards to maintain consistency and quality across the Knowledge Base
  • Keeping content accurate and up-to-date to ensure that information remains relevant and reliable
  • Collaborating with other Content Managers and leads to maintain high quality and consistency throughout the Knowledge Base

These responsibilities are integral to maintaining an effective Knowledge Base that supports our strategic goals and enhances the user experience. Content Managers or Supervisors can create desktop reports to show articles that may be due for review. Instructions for doing so can be found on the Department Knowledge Base Review Report.

Enforcement and Compliance

Regular reviews and adherence to these guidelines are essential for the continued effectiveness of the Knowledge Base. Articles that do not meet the required standards or are not reviewed in accordance with these guidelines may be temporarily removed from the Knowledge Base until they are brought into compliance.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in necessary actions to ensure that all content meets the established standards. This may include additional oversight or corrective measures to address any deficiencies. The goal is to uphold the highest standards of quality and relevance in our Knowledge Base to provide the best possible resources for our users.

Support Contacts

Knowledge Base Content Managers can direct all questions and concerns to a Knowledge Base Administrator by putting in a ticket.

Other support documentation can be found in other Knowledge Base Articles:

  • Creating and Editing Knowledge Base Articles
  • Reviewing and Updating Knowledge Base Articles
  • Archiving and Deleting Knowledge Base Articles

 Still need help? Contact IT Support Services for further assistance.
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Article ID: 114624
Wed 9/4/24 3:00 PM
Wed 9/4/24 4:22 PM