Installing the uniFLOW Printer Client

Tags MFP uniflow

Quick Links: | Installing on Windows | Installing on Mac |

Installing on Windows

  1. Open Software Center by going into the Start Menu of your device
  2. With the search bar in the upper right corner of the Software Center, search for "uniflow", then click on the uniFLOW Client application 
    uniFlow on a PC
  3. Click Install. Once uniFLOW is finished installing, restart your device to finalize the setup

Installing on Mac

  1. Open Self Service by clicking the magnifying glass in the top right
  2. With the search bar in the top left corner of Self Service, search for "uniflow", then click on the uniFLOW x64 application
  3. Click Install. Once uniFLOW is finished installing, restart your device to finalize the setup

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Article ID: 114201
Wed 7/3/24 4:49 PM
Wed 7/3/24 4:49 PM