Microsoft Teams: Calls for Windows Users


This is a training guide that covers the Calls section in Microsoft Teams. The Calls section allows you to make and receive audio and video calls directly within the Teams interface. You can view your call history, manage your voicemail, and access your contacts and speed dial. You can also make calls to other Teams users, as well as to external phone numbers if your organization has enabled this feature. To access the Calls section, click on the Calls icon in the left-hand navigation menu.


Banner featuring the new Microsoft Teams logo with the letter T and two person silhouettes in purple, alongside a 'NEW' label in teal, against a background of interconnected network nodes in grey.



  1. View Call History

  2. Manage Voicemail

  3. Access and Manage Contacts

  4. Make Calls

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  1. Calls: The Calls section in Microsoft Teams allows you to make and receive audio and video calls directly within the Teams interface. In the Calls section, you can view your call history, manage your voicemail, and access your contacts and speed dial. You can also make calls to other Teams users.
  2. Make Calls: The "Make Calls" window pane allows you to dial and initiate phone calls directly from the app.
  3. Call History: The Call History section provides a record of your recent calls, including missed, received, and made calls, enabling you to review and follow up on your call activities.
  4. Speed Dial Pane: The Speed Dial window provides quick access to frequently contacted individuals or groups, allowing you to call them with a single click.
  5. Add People to Speed Dial: The "Add People to Speed Dial" function enables you to easily add contacts to your Speed Dial list for quicker access to call them.
  6. View Contacts: The "View Contacts" button displays your list of contacts, making it easy to browse and manage the individuals you communicate with.

Calls interface with numbered highlights: (1) Calls tab selected on the left-hand side menu, (2) make a call with the ability to type a name, (3) History tab selected showing recent call activities, (4) Speed Dial tab with frequently contacted people, (5) add people to Speed Dial, and (6) 'View contacts' button in the upper right corner.


View Call History

  1. Navigate to Calls Tab: Look for the "Calls" icon on the left-hand side of the Teams interface and click on it. This icon is represented by a telephone handset.
  2. Access Call History: Within the Calls tab, you should see several options or sections like "Speed dial", "Contacts", "History", and "Voicemail". Click on the "History" section. This is where your call logs are stored.
  3. Browse Call Logs: In the History section, you'll find a list of your recent calls, including missed calls, outgoing calls, and received calls. Each entry will show the name or number of the caller, the direction of the call (incoming or outgoing), and the time and date of the call.
  4. View Call Details: To view more information about a specific call, click on the entry. 
  5. Call Back or Chat: From the call history, you can also quickly call someone back or initiate a chat. Hover over the call entry, and you should see icons for calling back or starting a chat with the contact.
  6. Search for a Specific Call: If you're looking for a specific call, you may use the search function within the History tab to type in the name or number of the contact. This can help you quickly locate specific calls in a long list.


Manage Voicemail

  1. Navigate to Calls Tab: Click on the "Calls" icon located on the left-hand side menu of the Teams interface. 
  2. Select Voicemail: Within the Calls tab, you will see different sections like "Speed dial", "Contacts", "History", and "Voicemail". Click on the "Voicemail" section to access your voicemail messages.
  3. Browse Voicemails: In the Voicemail section, you’ll find a list of your voicemail messages. Each entry will include the caller's name or number, the date and time of the message, and possibly a transcription of the message if this feature is enabled and supported.
  4. Play a Voicemail: To listen to a voicemail, click on the play button associated with the specific message you want to hear. Make sure your speakers or headset are enabled and set to an appropriate volume.
  5. Read Transcription (if available): If a transcription of the voicemail is available, it will be displayed alongside the voicemail entry. This allows you to quickly read the message without having to listen to it.
  6. Call Back or Chat: If you want to respond to a voicemail, you can easily call the person back or start a chat with them directly from the voicemail entry. Look for the callback or chat icons next to the voicemail message.
  7. Delete Voicemail: If you wish to delete a voicemail, hover over the message, and look for the delete option (often represented by a trash can icon). Click on it to remove the voicemail from your list.
  8. Manage Voicemail Settings: For additional voicemail options, such as greetings or notifications, look for a settings or gear icon in the Voicemail section. Here, you can customize your voicemail settings according to your preferences.


Access and Manage Contacts

  1. Navigate to the Calls Tab: Click on the "Calls" icon on the left-hand side menu of the Teams interface. 
  2. Select Contacts: Within the Calls tab, you'll see different sections such as "Speed dial", "Contacts", "History", and "Voicemail". Click on the "Contacts" section to view your list of contacts.
  3. Browse Your Contacts: In the Contacts section, your contacts will be listed, often alphabetically. You can scroll through the list to find the person you're looking for.
  4. Search for a Contact: If you have many contacts, you can use the search function to quickly find a specific person. Type the name of the contact in the search bar at the top of the Contacts section.
  5. View Contact Details: Click on a contact's name to view their details, such as their phone number, email address, and availability status. This information helps you decide the best way to reach out.
  6. Initiate Communication: From a contact's detail view, you have several options for communication:
    • Call: To call the contact via Teams, click the telephone icon.
    • Chat: To send a message, click the chat icon. This will open a chat window with the contact.
    • Email: If their email address is displayed, you can click on it to open your default email client and compose a message.
  7. Add or Edit Contacts: To add a new contact, look for an "Add contact" button or icon, usually located near the top of the Contacts section. If you need to edit or remove a contact, hover over the contact's entry to reveal options such as "Edit" or "Delete".


Make Calls

  1. Navigate to the Calls Tab: Click on the "Calls" icon located on the left-hand side menu of the Teams interface. 
  2. Use the Dial Pad or Search for a Contact:
    • Dial Pad: If you know the phone number you wish to call, you can use the dial pad directly. Click on the dial pad icon (if not already visible) and enter the number. Then, press the call button (often represented by a phone icon) to initiate the call.
    • Search for a Contact: If you prefer to call a contact from your list, type the name of the person in the search bar at the top of the Calls tab. As you type, suggestions will appear below. Click on the name of the person you wish to call from the suggestions.
  3. Select the Call Type: Once you've chosen a contact, you have the option to make different types of calls, depending on the available icons next to the contact's name:
    • Audio Call: Click the telephone icon to start a standard voice call.
    • Video Call: Click the video camera icon if you prefer a video call.
  4. During the Call:
    • Mute/Unmute: Click the microphone icon to mute or unmute your microphone during the call.
    • Turn Video On/Off: Click the video camera icon to turn your camera on or off.
    • Share Screen: If you need to share your screen during the call, click the screen sharing icon (often depicted as a rectangle or monitor).
    • More Actions: Look for a “More actions” icon (often three dots or an ellipsis) for additional options like hold, transfer, or device settings.
  5. End the Call: To finish the call, click the hang-up button (usually a red telephone icon).
  6. View Call History: After the call, you can view the call history in the "History" section of the Calls tab to see details or to quickly call back if necessary.


Additional Links

What's new in the new Teams app

                  What has changed throughout each version update

Switch to the new Microsoft Teams

                  High level step by step for chat, teams, etc

Live and on demand user training

                  More in depth training videos hosted by Microsoft Employees

Get started with Microsoft Teams

                  Get started micro videos for chat, teams, etc


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Article ID: 113840
Tue 6/4/24 5:26 PM
Tue 6/4/24 5:26 PM