SUPEROP Procedure (CS, HR)

  1. Create a PeopleSoft Elevated Access Ticket:
  2. Verify TDx Workflow steps are assigned and completed
    1. CS:
      1. EAPP Director
      2. CS Data Owner (or MPP Delegate)
      3. HR Data Owner (or MPP Delegate) - required in CS because SUPEROP unlocks also sync to HR
      4. Information Security Officer
    2.  HR
      1. EAPP Director
      2. HR Data Owner (or MPP Delegate)
      3. Information Security Officer
  3. To grant access, log into PeopleSoft, navigate to PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles
  4. Look up SUPEROP OPRID
  5. Uncheck "Account Locked"
  6. Using a password generator, generate a complex 30 character password, and reset the password to SUPEROP
  7. Using MOVEit, send a non-descript message to EAPP (Tony Fierro, Mark Axtell, or Satya Paruchuri) with only the generated PWD password in the message body
    1. Enable the following options:
      1. Delivery Receipt(s) (enable)
      2. Prevent "Reply All" (enable)
      3. Password will expire after 30 days (enable)
  8. Confirm w/ EAPP developer when the password is received, and they are able to log in
  9. Request ISEC be alerted immediately when SUPEROP access is no longer required
  10. When access needs to be disabled
    1. Re-generate a complex 30-character password, and rotate the password to SUPEROP
    2. Repeat this process twice
    3. Lock the account
    4. Complete the workflow task in the assigned TDx ticket, indicating as soon as access is removed.


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Article ID: 114510
Tue 7/30/24 3:46 PM
Wed 7/31/24 2:53 PM