SoA and Account Center Business Rules

Determination of the LMS email address

Using the following active affiliations from Fischer:

  • FacultyEmeritus
  • FacultyEmployee
  • FacultyFutureHire
  • FacultyVisitingScholar
  • Instructor
  • NonMemberAS
  • NonMemberFoundation
  • NonMemberRCE
  • NonMemberSearchCommittee
  • NonMemberStudentAS
  • NonMemberStudentFoundation
  • NonMemberStudentIntern
  • NonMemberVolunteer
  • NonMemberVolunteerFaculty
  • StaffEmployee
  • StaffFutureHire
  • Student (aggregation of StudentActive, StudentAgEd, StudentEXED, StudentEarlyStartServiceStudent, StudentUpwardBound)
  • StudentAdmitted
  • StudentApplicant
  • StudentEmployee
  • StudentRecent

If one of your active affiliations is in the following list, then LMS Email will be set to BUSN/O365 (if the account exists):

  • FacultyEmeritus
  • FacultyEmployee
  • FacultyVisitingScholar
  • StaffEmployee
  • StaffFutureHire
  • NonMemberSearchCommittee
  • NonMemberVolunteerFaculty

If one of your active affiliations is in the following list, and you don't also have the Student affiliation, then LMS Email will be set to BUSN/O365 (if the account exists):

  • FacultyFutureHire
  • NonMemberVolunteer

If you have 1 and only 1 active affiliation and that affiliation is in the following list, then LMS Email will be set to BUSN/O365 (if the account exists):

  • NonMemberAS
  • NonMemberFoundation
  • NonMemberRCE
  • Instructor

Otherwise, LMS Email will be set to OCMP/Google.

Logic for Setting OCMP and BUSN email addresses in PeopleSoft

OCMP Email Address

The OCMP email address is set to the user’s address for users with one of the following affiliations: StudentApplicant, StudentAdmitted, StudentEarlyStartServiceStudent, StudentActive, StudentALCI, StudentUpwardBound, StudentEXED, or StudentAgEd. The OCMP address is set as soon as relevant affiliation is added.

If a user’s UserName changes and the user has an OCMP email address, it is updated to the new email address.

If a user goes through the WAPP/WADM process, the OCMP email address is removed.

BUSN Email Address

The BUSN email address is set to the user’s Exchange address when the user gains one of the following affiliations: StaffFutureHire, StaffEmployee, FacultyFutureHire, FacultyEmployee, FacultyVisitingScholar, FacultyEmeritus, StudentEmployee, EmployeeRetired, NonMemberAS, NonMemberFoundation, NonMemberRCE, NonMemberSearchCommittee, NonMemberStudentEmployee, NonMemberStudentIntern, or Instructor.

If a user’s UID changes and the user has a BUSN email address, it is updated to the new email address.

When a user moves to an EmployeeRecent/AuxiliaryRecent status, the BUSN email address is removed.

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Article ID: 113947
Tue 6/11/24 1:29 PM