The role of the TDx Steering Committee


The Service Catalog Implementation Team or TDx Steering Committee (if the implementation team has been disbanded) has the authority to approve additions, modifications, and deletions to all categories and entries within the service catalog.


The TDx Steering Committee has the authority to approve additions, modifications, and deletions to all categories and entries within the service catalog.

The TDx Steering Committee may delegate authority to make minor changes and/or additions to the service catalog to the service catalog process manager or the appropriate service manager without prior TDx Steering Committee approval (such as minor changes in wording, minor additions and changes to fields and forms, etc.). Changes in the structure and organization of the service catalog must be approved by the TDx Steering Committee. The service catalog process manager and/or the service manager will present a list of all minor changes they have made to the TDx Steering Committee on a regular basis.

The TDx Steering Committee has the right to overrule changes made by the service catalog process manager or the service manager.

Organizations, service managers, or other individuals desiring additions, changes, or deletions to the service catalog may submit a request to either the service catalog process manager or the TDx Steering Committee outlining the nature and reason for the change.

Changes to the service catalog approved by the TDx Steering Committee will be implemented by a TeamDynamix administrator, the service catalog process manager, or appropriate service manager.

In order to maintain the integrity of the service catalog, decisions of the TDx Steering Committee are final.



Article ID: 4236
Wed 3/18/15 2:26 PM
Mon 12/4/23 1:15 PM