Cascade Site-Maintainers and -Owners Agreement


Site owners are responsible for the content posted to their subsites within the campus web, and content maintainers are responsible for following best practices in updating a Chico State website.

Cascade Access

Staff and faculty must receive Cascade training provided by Web Services before becoming a site-maintainer or -owner.

  • To receive Cascade training, email Web Services at
  • Do not share login credentials. If a site maintainer is found sharing their Cascade login credentials, ISEC will be immediately notified, and your Cascade account will be suspended or terminated.

University Related

  • Cascade is for official University sites—academic units, departments and offices, etc.—not for student clubs, course content, storing classified data, or teaching or personal faculty/staff sites.
  • Avoid advertising. It is acceptable to name a corporate partner or event sponsor. Partner and sponsor logos must be displayed smaller than the University logo on the site.
  • All digital communication on behalf of the University is subject to review by University Communications.

Accessible to All Users


  • Do not use your Cascade folders to store Level 1 data.
  • Do not publish personal data such as home addresses.
  • Check in with Web Services before embedding forms, feeds, or other code.
  • Limit the number of links to non-Chico State sites, and check those links carefully.

Quality Content

  • Keep pages clean and organized, free of misspellings and broken links.
  • Write according to the standards in the University Communicators Guide.
  • Regularly update content based on audience needs as determined by analytics.
  • Create short and easily scannable pages.
  • Consider mobile users: cut text to the essentials, limit images and videos.
  • Use images that are correctly sized, visually interesting, well lit, and in focus.
  • Use only graphics that you have permissions for, and follow the University Photo Policy.
  • Do not use the Chico State website to reproduce or distribute copyrighted material without the author's or publisher's permission.

Consistency in University Branding & User Experience

  • Use the University's standard Campus Web 3.0 framework, consulting with Web Services about any changes to CSS or JavaScript.
  • Do not make changes to the University header, footer, department footer, or subfooter.

Organized for Ease of Maintenance

  • Keep folders and assets organized, and follow site naming conventions.
  • Limit the use of external links, and use internal (relative) links when sending users to other CSU, Chico Cascade sites.
  • Delete or archive unused pages, documents, and assets.
  • Do not store new page drafts in Cascade, as sites may be published at any time.

Please contact Web Services through the Website Design & Support service catalog or at for any assistance with the above requirements.



Article ID: 113551
Mon 5/8/23 1:26 PM
Thu 9/5/24 11:36 AM