Poll Everywhere FAQs & Known Issues


Contains a list of instructors' frequently asked questions as well as known issues


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I share my polls with other instructors? Can we be a part of a team? 

Yes, but you will need to create a support ticket with Learning Technologies and specifying who you want on the team. 

Known Issues 

Known Issue with Graded Responses

If you have set up a poll to grade incoming responses, please be aware of a potential loophole. As long as the poll is still open, there is a poll setting that allows students to change their answer (Allow Changes under Response Settings). 

When showing the results of a graded question, the Toggle Correctness button will appear with your icons on the right. When you select this button a check mark will appear with the correct answer. When the Toggle Correctness button is selected, students can also go to their Response History and see the correct answer. If the Allow Changes feature is enabled and the poll is still open, students can then go back in and change their answer. 

You can prevent students from changing their answers by doing any ONE of the following: 

  1. refraining from using the Toggle Correctness button, 
  2. making the poll inactive (deactivate or lock poll) before you use the Toggle Correctness button, or 
  3. setting your poll to Don’t Allow Changes under Response Settings.




Article ID: 113294
Wed 11/10/21 4:34 PM
Mon 2/19/24 6:02 PM